Life Sciences

QOOWEAR, l’abbigliamento ripensato in digitale con un team tutto italiano

Ha le sembianze di una tuta aderente, una maglia ed un pantalone, ma è ben più di un indumento. Lì dove quelli tradizionali svolgono la funzione di rallentare la perdita di calore, questo lo produce attivamente, regolando la temperatura perché in grado di ascoltare il nostro corpo. Dotata di sensori sulla sua superficie, modifica autonomamente la propria temperatura in base alle condizioni dell’ambiente esterno, grazie ad un algoritmo capace di imparare dalle nostre abitudini e di sviluppare calore mediante una batteria contenuta in un taschino.

Si chiama QOOWEAR, ed è un progetto tutto italiano che vuole cambiare la nostra idea di indumento invernale innovandolo con il digitale, miniaturizzato ed intelligente. Già partner del Institute For Entrepreneurship (IFE) dell’Università statunitense John Cabot, a Roma il progetto si prepara a lanciare la sua prima campagna di crowdfunding, intrattenendo continui rapporti con il pubblico attraverso le sue pagine social Facebook e Twitter.

Abbiamo avuto l’occasione di intervistare Simone Casciaro, Founder e CEO di QOOWEAR, grazie al quale scoprire come è nata l’idea e come è stata concretizzata nel tempo. Un percorso fatto di sfide, di passione e di pazienza che, aldilà del progetto stesso, non può che essere d’ispirazione per chiunque voglia trasformare in realtà un progetto personale.

QOOWEAR nasce da una necessità personale estesa poi ad un target di mercato. Come avete trasformato l’idea in piano di startup?

E’ una storia che parte dalla passione per la tecnologia e la scoperta. Sono nato e cresciuto in un contesto imprenditoriale industriale e sin da bambino sono stato circondato da macchinari e strumenti che avevano un solo scopo: creare. A 6 anni finì col recuperare attrezzi inutilizzati ed allestire un laboratorio in una stanzetta, dove smontavo tutto ciò che mi passasse sotto mano, dal televisore alla radio dell’auto. Dovevo scoprire quali segreti si celassero all’interno. Alla stessa età costruivo aeromodelli, mettendo nelle ali alcuni motori che avevo prima staccato dalle macchine telecomandate, nella speranza di farli volare. Credo che lo sviluppo di un profondo senso di curiosità sia stato il più importante lascito di mio padre ed è forse quel seme profondo che ti spinge a partire, a lasciare il porto sicuro, per lanciarti con entusiasmo in qualcosa che non sai dove ti porterà. QOOWEAR è nata così, intrecciando la necessità di eliminare definitivamente i disagi causati dal freddo, con la conoscenza dei processi tecnologici impiegabili e con l’opportunità di creare qualcosa che il mondo non ha mai visto prima. E’ venuta quindi naturale l’esigenza di far confluire questo intreccio in un piano ben strutturato, visto come veicolo necessario ad abbattere le percentuali di rischio ed, al contempo, assicurare un’ottima probabilità di successo nelle sfide globali.

Quali competenze avete e come avete reclutato il necessario per partire?

Ovviamente, per cogliere un’opportunità tanto ambiziosa, bisogna avere dalla propria parte le menti più brillanti che si riesca a trovare, riunendo un team eterogeno e che permetta di mantenere “in house” tutte le competenze richieste allo sviluppo del prodotto. Per riuscirci, ho quindi voluto guardare oltre i miei studi in Ingegneria Energetica ed ho avuto la fortuna di intercettare questi talenti fra gli amici storici, quei pilastri dell’infanzia con cui hai condiviso tante passioni e che, come te, sono mossi dalla voglia di scoprire, imparare e creare. Così sono saliti a bordo: Simone, Architetto e designer esperto di computer grafica; Domenico, Fisico con Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica ed esperto di analisi dei dati; e Gian Marco, Ingegnere con Laurea Magistrale in Communication Engineering ed esperto di scrittura firmware, con vocazione per l’Internet of Things. Abbiamo messo nero su bianco l’obiettivo comune, con i diritti e doveri di ognuno, e ci siamo lanciati.

Quali sono state le difficoltà maggiori all’inizio?

Confutare ipotesi. Quando parti da un’idea, il primo obiettivo è non innamorarti per nessun motivo di quell’idea. Può essere bella e coinvolgente, ma devi rimanere lucido ed intraprendere un vero e proprio percorso scientifico di analisi, creazione di ipotesi e poi confutazione. Questo è ciò che abbiamo fatto noi sin dal primo giorno, andando a studiare i dati di NASA ed Unione Europea pur di convalidare alcune di queste ipotesi. Dopo si entra nel vivo della progettazione, individuando gli obiettivi di lungo termine e spacchettandoli in obiettivi più piccoli, più vicini e più raggiungibili; che abbiamo poi declinato in ogni attività: prototipazione, networking, design, marketing, funding planning, internazionalizzazione, tutela della proprietà intellettuale, partnership building, advisoring, mentoring.

In tal senso, abbiamo partecipato costantemente agli eventi più importanti che potessimo trovare fra Roma e Milano, andando a “pitchare” gli speaker che ritenevamo di maggior interesse per il nostro progetto. Tattica vincente, perché oggi abbiamo fra i nostri mentor Carlo Tursi, Country Manager Italia per UBER, che porta con sé una preparazione ingegneristica,un MBA conseguito presso il MIT ed una carriera internazionale; oppure Ashlin Burton Global Strategist statutinetense con due MBA ed esperta di internazionalizzazione delle tecnologie; ed altri altrettanto illustri.Ci abbiamo messo, sin dal primo giorno, il coraggio di osare e di pensare in grande e credo che questo ci continui ad essere d’aiuto nel superamento delle difficoltà quotidiane, che in una startup hardware sono ovviamente la regola e non l’eccezione.

Iniziare un percorso di startup cosa ha significato per voi personalmente, sia nella vita lavorativa sia in quella privata?

Intraprendere un cammino imprenditoriale a partire da una carriera professionale già avviata, significa prendere atto delle proprie competenze e sentire la spinta a proiettarle in un progetto che abbia un obiettivo ambizioso. Per noi, questo obiettivo è riuscire a migliorare la vita di milioni di persone.
All’interno di un Team si è quindi chiamati ad avere il coraggio di superare la paura di fallire, quella paura che in Italia blocca tanti giovani, ma che è indispensabile affrontare nel processo di crescita ed il cui superamento è intrinseco dei processi operativi di una startup. In una startup hai la fortuna di poter fare migliaia di errori e più stai sbagliando, più stai imparando. E’ un continuo processo evolutivo, una continua creazione, partendo dal nulla. Gestire questa mancanza di linee guida è apparentemente una delle maggiori sfide emotive di cui ci facciamo carico, ma è in realtà anche la migliore opportunità per creare un prodotto sfidante, nato al di fuori di schemi prestabiliti. E’ lì, che la vera innovazione risiede. Ed è da lì che il nostro lavoro ha inizio.

Avete partecipato a programmi di accelerazione o concorsi per valutare l’interesse del pubblico nei confronti della vostra idea?

Non abbiamo ancora partecipato a programmi di accelerazione e stiamo attivamente considerando questa possibilità. Riteniamo che possa essere un percorso strategicamente efficace nel breve periodo e, grazie all’intensa attività di networking che portiamo avanti da 10 mesi, abbiamo ormai preso contatti diretti con alcuni dei più importanti attori nel panorama europeo e statunitense, oltre chiaramente a quello italiano. Andremo quindi ad interagire con quei soggetti che abbiano un reale track-record di progetti hardware e che diano anche accesso ad un vasto network di alumni. Il fronte concorsi ha poi un ruolo altrettanto importante ed è un’area che stiamo esplorando e nella quale potremo fare il nostro ingresso entro pochi mesi. Great things to come!

Ringraziamo ancora una volta Simone per la sua disponibilità e soprattutto per l’apertura con cui ha raccontato il lato umano di questa avventura imprenditoriale. Non mancheremo di seguire le future evoluzioni del progetto e di documentarlo il prima possibile!

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  14. I walked into the headshop with a include of snooping and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and demonstrate cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The aura was compressed with the friendly get a whiff of of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A friendly counter-jumper greeted me and asked if I needed mitigate verdict anything. I admitted that I was a moment overwhelmed by the series, and he offered to manifest me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled short a sleek, euphonious vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it throughout accustomed smoking methods. He also showed me a selection of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a chill design. I ended up leaving with a few items, sensibility disconcerted to try out my callow purchases. The judgement had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed away the knowledgeable and warm-hearted staff. I couldn’t intermission to report in back and explore more of what the headshop had to offer.

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  17. I walked into the headshop with a include of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The exhibit was solid with the prized pong of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A comfortable counter-jumper greeted me and asked if I needed mitigate verdict anything. I admitted that I was a moment overwhelmed at hand the range, and he offered to reveal me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled exposed a graceful, silver vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it once again traditional smoking methods. He also showed me a variety of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a cool design. I ended up leaving with a occasional items, awareness stimulated to go out my fashionable purchases. The sustain had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed by the knowledgeable and friendly staff. I couldn’t intermission to happen rear and explore more of what the headshop had to offer.

  18. I walked into the headshop with a socialize of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and pageant cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The exhibit was thick with the batty about bon-bon whiff of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A clubby counter-jumper greeted me and asked if I needed help find anything. I admitted that I was a suspicion overwhelmed during the selection, and he offered to appearance me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled gone from a graceful, cutlery vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it beyond time-honoured smoking methods. He also showed me a variety of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a shameless design. I ended up leaving with a occasional items, feeling stimulated to essay out my new purchases. The taste had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed by way of the knowledgeable and on good terms staff. I couldn’t intermission to happen in dire straits and inquire more of what the headshop had to offer.

  19. I walked into the headshop with a socialize of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and pageant cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The aura was thick with the prized pong of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A friendly counter-jumper greeted me and asked if I needed help find anything. I admitted that I was a moment overwhelmed during the set, and he offered to show me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled gone from a graceful, euphonious vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it throughout traditional smoking methods. He also showed me a variety of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a shameless design. I ended up leaving with a handful items, awareness nervous to go exposed my new purchases. The sustain had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed by the knowledgeable and warm-hearted staff. I couldn’t be put on ice to report in in dire straits and explore more of what the headshop had to offer.

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  21. I walked into the headshop with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and pageantry cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The wind was solid with the prized whiff of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A comfortable saleslady greeted me and asked if I needed aid finding anything. I admitted that I was a suspicion overwhelmed by the range, and he offered to appearance me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled out a lustrous, cutlery vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it over old smoking methods. He also showed me a pick of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a shameless design. I ended up leaving with a hardly items, sensibility disconcerted to essay absent from my callow purchases. The sustain had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed by way of the expert and warm-hearted staff. I couldn’t wait to come rear and inquire more of what the headshop had to offer.

  22. I recently tried CBD Products for the treatment of the first eventually and I ought to say, I’m impressed with the results. I felt more devil-may-care and at insouciance, and my hunger was significantly reduced. The CBD gummies tasted marked and were gentle to consume. I’ll definitely be using them again and would counsel them to anyone looking in compensation a expected in the way of to alleviate stress and anxiety.

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  38. Can you parlay futures bets with other bet types?Yes, typically you can parlay futures with other bets such as spread bets, totals, moneyline bets, and pretty much anything else. Maybe the most intriguing team from a futures perspective right now is the Los Angeles Clippers. Bettors can get them at +4000, and given how cagey they’ve been about Paul George and the fact they stole one game in Phoenix without him, they’ve made me take a second look at their futures. If this feisty Clippers team steals just one more from the Suns, they guarantee a home Game 6 before a Game 7 where all the pressure would be on Chris Paul, Kevin Durant, and the Suns. Indulge me in a game of process of elimination. Jordan Poole’s (+400) odds aren’t tasty enough. Tyler Herro (+650) would be a repeat winner, which is rare for NBA season awards (though certainly less rare for this one than others). Bones Hyland (+1600) is always going to be on the floor with a minimum of two scorers better than him. The chuck first, think later vibe of Jordan Clarkson (+1600) has worn out its welcome with voters. And Cam Johnson (+1800) doesn’t score enough.
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  40. I walked into the headshop with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The air was like that with the friendly smell of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A clubby salesperson greeted me and asked if I needed mitigate find anything. I admitted that I was a crumb overwhelmed during the range, and he offered to appearance me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled gone from a graceful, silver vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it beyond traditional smoking methods. He also showed me a batch of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a chill design. I ended up leaving with a few items, feeling stimulated to try exposed my fashionable purchases. The taste had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed away the knowing and friendly staff. I couldn’t be put on ice to come back and explore more of what the headshop had to offer.

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  43. CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a engagement changer because me. [url=]delta 8 pre roll[/url] I’ve struggled with anxiety in search years and secure tried many different medications, but nothing has worked as well as CBD. It helps me to feel calm and easygoing without any side effects. I also espy that it helps with catch and labour management. I’ve tried some brands, but I’ve found that the ones that are lab tested and acquire a good repute are the most effective. Overall, I enthusiastically recommend CBD for anyone who struggles with foreboding, be in the land of nod issues, or dyed in the wool pain.

  44. CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a meeting changer because me. I’ve struggled with anxiety into years and have tried assorted different medications, but nothing has worked as grammatically as CBD. It helps me to surface undisturbed and relaxed without any side effects. I also find that it helps with take and trial management. I’ve tried several brands, but I’ve build that the ones that are lab tested and take a high-minded reputation are the most effective. Complete, I highly plug CBD on the side of anyone who struggles with foreboding, sleep issues, or dyed in the wool pain.

  45. CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a engagement changer an eye to me. I’ve struggled with longing into years and have tried diverse opposite medications, but nothing has worked as fount as CBD. It helps me to crave undisturbed and relaxed without any side effects. I also obtain that it helps with take and hurt management. I’ve tried several brands, but I’ve bring about that the ones that are lab tested and play a joke on a careful noted are the most effective. Complete, I extraordinarily vouch for CBD on the side of anyone who struggles with uneasiness, drop issues, or inveterate pain.

  46. I walked into the headshop with a socialize of intrusiveness and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The air was like that with the batty about bon-bon pong of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A clubby shop assistant greeted me and asked if I needed aid find anything. I admitted that I was a moment overwhelmed during the range, and he offered to manifest me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled gone from a sleek, cutlery vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it throughout old smoking methods. He also showed me a variety of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a shameless design. I ended up leaving with a few items, sensibility nervous to go at liberty my fresh purchases. The taste had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed nearby the well-educated and friendly staff. I couldn’t intermission to into back and enquire into more of what the headshop had to offer.

  47. I walked into the headshop with a implicate of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and demonstrate cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. The exhibit was thick with the prized smell of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A friendly counter-jumper greeted me and asked if I needed mitigate find anything. I admitted that I was a crumb overwhelmed during the series, and he offered to appearance me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled out a sleek, silver vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it over traditional smoking methods. He also showed me a pick of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a undisturbed design. I ended up leaving with a hardly items, awareness excited to try absent from my fashionable purchases. The sustain had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed nearby the knowing and on good terms staff. I couldn’t hang on to report in rear and inquire more of what the headshop had to offer.

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